Saturday, July 25, 2009


Patience is a symbol of Greatness, Glory, and Perfect.This means that it acts as security against the environmental conditions and loses.That is why 'Sabur' is one of the beautiful names of Allah, because He does not punish immediately His sinning slaves.He gives us a long time until the Day of Judgment.

Besides bravery and courage, Patience is also included in the factors of manliness.This is because the burden of life cannot be handling by weak and impatient person.For example, when a man has a heavy load and he wants it to be carried from one place to another, he does not employ the infants, sick persons or cowards, but he asked such persons who have strong shoulders and powerful arm.Same is the case of life.Therefore, patience, bravely and courage are important to make sure our great responsibility to be done effectively.

Leaders and humans need to face hardship and troubles with patience as it all accordance with their capabilities and qualities.This can be proved in a hadith narrated by Ibn Habban.From the hadith, it states that Allah test His slaves according to their religiousness."if the man has strong and firm in religion, his trial will be hard.And the man weak in religiousness, his trial will be lenient.So, everyone can face their trials as it is suitable for them.What is needed is just to be patience and never give up.

If someone fails in his life because of suffer from tiredness, hard work and harassment, it is really in proportion to their power of endurance patience and forbearance.Failure is actually the key of greatness and success."Do not feel uneasy if you failed after you have strive facing the hardship" and "Do not pray to God to make your burden light, but pray to Him to make your back strong."Hard trials or burden such as busy schedule of life, bitterness of the fighting, the hardship will make us become stronger and conduct of the fighters and builders of life as we had experienced many things.

Islam will comfort those who have been involved in the trial patiently.They may get relief in their sorrow and their burden of adversities may be lightened.Although the man who fights with the hardships of life fall many times but the value of such man before Allah is much higher than the man who sees the fun and never fear any danger or any other thing afraid of him.

The reward of patient and hardworking will be given on the Day of Judgment.In one of Hadith Tirmizi it is stated that the prizes and the honors that those who is patient and hardworking will be much more than what the other persons who were performing other compulsory duties will be getting.While people who never be patient and always want to be comfort and ease in their life will also get their rewards on the Day of Judgment where their skins will be cut by the scissors.

As conclusion, as a Muslim, we should always be patience in facing the hardship of Allah because it is actually make us learned and experienced many thing from the difficulties of life.We will also get great reward on the Day of Judgment.

**mY 1st Assignment of BAsiC theme Of QUran..

it would be easier control your
temper if u remember Allah

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