Saturday, May 2, 2009

UIA @ Matrik penang???!!

17 april 09- result for matriculation programmes
i got offered to matrikulasi penang..kos= sc fizikal

1mei 09-result for upu
asasi UIA-kos= sc fizikal also..

so where should i go??stIll thinking...
help me please!!

actually,result neh cm ayh ak pon ade..mule2 ura2 nk kne pndah penang..pas2 last2 dpt taw pndah ke serdang,selangor plak..huhu!!so,should i go to uia follow my dad..haha!!uia-petaling jaya..ayah ak serdang..1 negeri..dkt la gak ngan umah..mne taw kot2 homesick ke nnti..hahah!!penang jaoh ke utara plak.berdikari sikit klo pegi sne.due2 kos sme still dlm pertimbangan..need ur help please..which is good 4 me??


  1. herm3,
    due2 okey.juz,ko btoi2 ke nak g uia?or ko de mengidam nak g tmpt len,cm usm ke,pape la.
    asasi uia?m3x?still da same.juz if ko really perform well kt m3x,mb u deserved better U.n if ko g uia..aku rse still da same n juz ko truskan kt uia la.x yah mnx U lain.

  2. tp mnx la pndangan owg yg pakar tntang bnda niey k.. bg ak uia lg elok la..

  3. dik...uia la dik..hehehehe..sebab akak uia,hahah.xdela ...adik pilihla yang terbaik...ok??gudluck dear...


LEt's pLAy thE gAme!!''Super Mario''